The Google Beast devours content and requires continuous feeding to maintain its place as king of the Internet jungle. Google is without question a beast shredding the competition with its razor sharp teeth, stealthy prowess and powerful bite. A king among beasts! Google currently holds a staggering 88.92% of the U.S. search engine market share. Bing drops to a distant second with 6.05%. With such a huge market share ignoring the beast would be deadly for your online business. Keep the beast healthy and happy by feeding it engaging original content. Ensure the continued good health of the beast by feeding it only the highest quality educational and/or entertaining content.

Search Engine Market Share January 2018

Webmasters who spend their energies upholding the spirit of the basic principles will provide a much better user experience and subsequently enjoy better ranking than those who spend their time looking for loopholes they can exploit.The key to befriending The Google beast is to always make an excellent user experience your main objective. If website visitors quickly and easily find the information they are searching for they are happy, and the beast is happy ensuring the continued success and good health of the Internet jungle. Make sure to leave a trail throughout your website to help the Google Beast find your content in the overgrown Internet jungle by ensuring internal pages have accurate title and description tags and link to other relevant pages using text links or images with appropriate alt attributes. Maintaining up-to-date sitemaps will help the beast find your outstanding content.

Feed the beast rotten or spoiled food in the form of poor quality content and you will find him turning his nose up at you in the future. Try feeding the Google Beast duplicate content or content scrapped from other websites and your page rank will drop as the quality of the site reflects poor quality content. The beast may take the duplicate content but he will always prefer original over duplicate.

Try to trick or fool the Google Beast and he will banish you from his search engine kingdom. Hunters will try to fool the beast with shady black hat marketing techniques like paid linking schemes, hidden text or links and sneaky redirects, all are violations of Google’s quality guidelines. The Google Beast did not become the king of the Internet jungle without being well aware of search engine hunters and their sneaky deceptive tactics. iAcquire, a search engine optimization agency, was banned along with their clients after an investigation revealed their participation in a covert paid linking scheme for Dun & Bradstreet. Thumbtack, a service directory, was taken down for soliciting links in exchange for credits. Link networks world wide have been decapitated by the Google beast. Designing web pages specifically for search engines instead of users could result in the website being de-indexed or banned from Google’s search engine kingdom as well.

Keyword stuffing, using irrelevant keywords or using landing/doorway pages is another technique some search engine optimization and marketing agencies use to game search engines. Remember that if your motive is to trick or fool the Google beast, eventually you will get caught and the consequences will be banishment from the all important Google search engine kingdom.

Internet Market Consulting will guide you through befriending the Google beast through the dense foliage of the Internet jungle. Schedule your adventure though Googles’ Internet Kingdom.

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