
Website Refresh, Redesign or Repair

How to decide between Website Refresh, Repair or Redesign When inspecting furniture for quality craftsmanship you open drawers and inspect the joints. If the joints are well made tongue and groove or dovetail engineered and even you know the piece is a quality item. You can evaluate the quality of a website and skill of [...]

5 Shady Developers to AVOID!

Let’s talk about an important issue that is ubiquitous in our current digital landscape – unethical website developers.  Sadly, while we have certainly become a digitally connected world due to our obsession with instant gratification we want our services fast and cheap without concern for ethical standards.  Wikipedia defines ethics as a branch of philosophy [...]

Joomla 1.5 Vulnerable: Setting The Record Straight!

It has come to our attention that some hosting companies are force upgrading or suspending Joomla 1.5 users citing security concerns. We would like to clear the air, even though Joomla 1.5 is not officially supported any more, it is still a secure system as long as you have a patch for the one reported issue in [...]

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