
Heartbleed – What is it and how does it affect you?

A newly discovered vulnerability in OpenSSL, one of the most commonly used implementations of the SSL and TLS cryptographic protocols, presents an immediate and serious danger to any unpatched server. The bug, known as Heartbleed, allows attackers to intercept secure communications and steal sensitive information such as login credentials, personal data, or even decryption keys. [...]

2023-09-19T14:53:34-05:00iOS x, Security, warning|Comments Off on Heartbleed – What is it and how does it affect you?

Joomla 1.5 Vulnerable: Setting The Record Straight!

It has come to our attention that some hosting companies are force upgrading or suspending Joomla 1.5 users citing security concerns. We would like to clear the air, even though Joomla 1.5 is not officially supported any more, it is still a secure system as long as you have a patch for the one reported issue in [...]

2024-03-21T14:23:01-05:00developer, Hosting, Joomla, Security|Comments Off on Joomla 1.5 Vulnerable: Setting The Record Straight!
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