
10 Reasons You Should Never Use a Content Management System (CMS)

Website Developers - Reasons You Should Never Use a CMS I wish to locate the person who first suggested that customers could manage their own website as effortlessly as using a word processor, and give them a stern reprimand. In my opinion, they deserve it wholeheartedly. Since the initial introduction of the idea, there has [...]

9 Reasons You Should Never Use a CMS

Website Developers - Reasons You Should Never Use a CMS I’d like to find that guy who was the first to promote to customers the idea that they could manage their own website “as easily as using a word processor” and give him a good kick in the ass. I think he deserves it. Really [...]


ALERT! osCommerce web site owners, in light of the recent spike in web site hacking, specifically osCommerce web site's, it is extremely important to protect your business and your customers by upgrading your web site software and installing all security patches provided by the distributor. osCommerce is an online shop e-commerce solution available for free [...]

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